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Week Seven: Check

Well...this last week for my has been quite the ride.

I arrived back at FCC on Sunday after my week of vacation to find out that there had been a tragedy in the church. Two brothers had been killed in a boating accident, the visitation was that afternoon and they were expecting close to 4000 people to come. Needless to say, I was not necessarily prepared for this, but God decided to baptize me into it anyway. I helped direct people through the church and gathered fans from around the building as one of the AC compressors quit. This was a hard day for me for a couple reasons. First, I have a heart for hurting people. I am empathetic, so I am able to sense and feel what a person is going through. Well, there were a lot of people coming through who were hurting very badly about these people they had lost. Seeing so many hurting people made me feel their hurt and wish I could help in some way. Part of why I could empathize with them is because I had just lost a close friend of mine. Since I was not able to attend my friends visitation or funeral, I was mourning for him then. I felt a little weird, secretly mourning for my friend when there were so many hurting around me. I didn't know what to do. I realized that the most I could do for the people around me was to just be there and show support. This let both of us mourn in peace, and that is healthy.

The funeral was the next day, and the church was set up to seat over 1000 people. There weren't that many who attended, but the crowd was still over 800. When the funeral ended, I started getting to work on a couple of things: Wednesday night lesson, Sunday morning lesson, lesson for camp next week. This was the bulk of my work for the week. Wednesday's lesson was on materialism and Sunday's lesson was on whining and selfishness. My lesson for camp is on the cost of being a Christian.

Though I am almost done with my internship (3 weeks left), I can tell that God has more lessons in store for me. Some may be hard, others will be easy. But I am very thankful that I have had this internship so far.