Why Youth Ministers?

Chapter 2 of Perspectives builds the idea that the spiritual training of children is the responsibility of the parents. Parents are to raise and train their children in the ways of the Lord and to obey his commands. This is the standard that God laid out in the Old Testament when he was creating the culture of Israel: parents teach their children about God. Many of today’s parents believe that it is the responsibility of the youth minister to raise and train their children in the ways of the Lord. But that is comparative to hiring someone to date your significant other: it doesn’t work that way.

So, if parents are to be responsible for the spiritual training of their children, what is the purpose of youth ministers? This position was created to train youth spiritually. But if that is the responsibility of the parents, why are youth ministers needed?

I think that youth ministers are to help in the training of youth; to be a resource for both the youth and the parents to take advantage. Youth ministers are training in youth psychology and how family issues and structures impact spiritual and developmental growth. Not all parents understand this, and neither do youth. I believe that the youth ministers job is to help parents raise their children by being a resource for information and counseling. It is also to reinforce in youth the training they have received their parents. Youth ministers are parents are to be partners in training youth in the Lord.